myris contrôle logo

myris logo control

Why compare images when myris recognize your logo?

In line, myris can perform a complete control of your logo.

  • 100% production control,
  • 24-hour operation,
  • Easy and fast implementation,
  • Installation, Commissioning, Training.

Whatever the marking technique: pad printing, screen printing, hot stamping…

Setting up an effective system
to avoid false defects

Contrôle par vision de logo sur tous types de produits

Thanks to specifics custom lighting, the system operates:

  • On every marking colours: golden, silver, mat, shiny, varnish,
  • Whatever the marking technique: pad-printing, screen print, hot stamping…
  • Whatever the nature of area to be decorated: flat, embossing or engraving,
  • On a very large variety of products with complexes shapes: cases for mascara, lipstick, nail polish, caps, covers, powder cases…

Its ergonomical interface allows you to visualize your production in real time with defects display.

myris logo control enables you to create a logo in only 4 steps.

Visualisation du contrôle effectué

The press speaks of it…

“@bc Vision Industrielle controls CHANEL logo

The Nord Isère company has developed an algorithm to check the conformity of two Cs mark.

Systems still up and operating since 15 years!

Systems adapted and adaptable, the key to success…