Intégrateur Vision secteur activité Papeterie

100% Vision control on paper width.

Precision and velocity constraints make Machine Vision a must-have tool to control paper.

High production rates make visual control difficult or impossible. Yet, this control is essential as a statement of quality, to adjust a delicate process or to identify production risks.

This is where Machine Vision takes all its sense in making possible a systematic production control:  control of markers, micro-perforations, machine stuffing… everything is under control!

Detection incidents machine
Déploiement du système de VIsion

Detection assistance of machine incident for high speed impression

Created to effectuate a mobile and/or occasional control on your production lines.

The system allows you to visualize and record (in loop or not) your production.

  • A mobile & compact control tool,
  • Easy to carry and install,
  • Possibility to connect several cameras.
Exemple contrôle d'impression LE DAUPHINE LIBERE


Deployment on print line at 22 copies per second.

Automatic record of the last 30 seconds during a machine incident.

Contrôle filet de calage

Porosity control on cigarette paper

  • 4 serial machines delivery after prototype validation,
  • 3 cameras system,
  • High measurement repeatability,
  • Reproducibility of surfaces: 0.5% for 1 cm2.


  • paper’s micro-perforation measurement (30μm hole), absolute measurement of framing position on 1m long paper.
Contrôle de porosité sur papier de cigarette
Aide à l’alignement d’impression
Aide à l’alignement d’impression

Impression alignment assistance

Check the centring of the print lines in relation to the lenses.

  • 3 cameras system,
  • Removal of the control system for printing.


  • Wedging and orientation: verify that the lenses are oriented correctly in relation to the sight,

  • Lenticular step measurement: measurement of the real average interval between 2 lens.

Defect detection on paper roll slitter

Defect detection on paper roll slitter

  • 2 camera system, custom lighting,

  • Width of 1400 mm,

  • Rate : 400 m /min,

  • Precision : Detection of defects of the order of 0.5*0.5 mm


Detection of contrasting defects (stains, black spots, etc.) on uniform light-coloured paper.


Controle sur laize de papier