Your Vision integrator to match your ambitions

Integrator of control systems by Machine Vision with over 25 years of experience. We offer robust products and solutions for your production.

Notre société


Specialized in realization and integration of control systems by Machine Vision for more than 25 years.

Nos références


Trusted customers, effective partnerships that make us grow.

Nos compétences


Total control of the solution: feasibility, design office, development, customer monitoring.

Our last installation

We integrate complete systems designed to specifications.
Your machine vision control system is adapted to your production needs.

Contrôle plasturgie soufflage

3 control stations: 3 cameras + 4 customised lighting systems.

Our realizations by activity sectors

Our work as integrator allows us to adapt our systems to all activity sectors independently of production constraints even the difficult ones:  clean rooms, oven, intensive cleaning…

100% quality control in aeronautic to guaranty security.

Logo, decor, aspect, shape… control to ensure brand image and products quality.

100% control for a perfect brand image.

100% quality control for a 0 defect packaging.

A production controlled at 100% for an indispensable security.

A total control for high technicity pieces and luxury products.

Control of the entire bottle: level, cap, label, turbidity…

High added value products: the precision of Vision as a quality pledge.

Conditions often extremes that make Vision machine necessary.

100% Vision control of paper width.

Vision + robot: the successful combination of line automation.

Control and ensure “savoir-faire” quality in Terracota sector.

Our products

To provide access to custom machine for the price of standard equipment, we have developed specific control products.

Ocellus controls outlines of food trays and automatically eject ones which have defect in the welding area.


Orientation de capuchons DIOR- Contrôle qualité des logo

Why compare images when myris recognize your logo?

In line, myris can perform a complete control of your logo.

Profilomètre 3D

Beach of measurement that can extract the height profile of products lying on marble.

Measuring range and precision depend of products to be controlled.

Contact us

Our adress

Le Galop - 38790 Saint Georges d'Espéranche FRANCE

Keep in touch

Phone : +33 (0)4 74 56 02 84
Email :