Secteur cosmetique - Contrôle de la qualité des logo et aspect des produits.

Aspect, logo, shape control... Brand image and products quality guaranteed.

Cosmetic sector needs an infallible control to certificate quality products. Logo, decor, aspect, shape… everything needs to be perfect.

Vision control systems allow manufacturers to inspect their production while maintaining high rates. This technology contributes to optimize productivity and production quality, increasing the production yield.

Besides, traceability bringing by our systems is helping to fight against counterfeiting and to preserve a world-renowned “savoir-faire”.

myris contrôle logo

myris, logo control

Why compare images when myris recognize your logo?

In line, at a 12000p/h rate, myris can perform a complete control of your logo.

Orientation de capuchons DIOR- Contrôle qualité des logo

DIOR J’ADORE cap orientation

  • Custom lighting,
  • 2 cameras on pneumatic actuators,
  • 2 digital rotary axes,
  • Multi-format system,
  • Rate : 1000 hits / h.


  • Cap orientation relative to « J’Adore » print.
Interface DIOR J'ADORE - Contrôle qualité des logo
Orientation de thermo par Vision Industrielle
Thermo sous la Vision

Position, assembly and orientation control

  • Redirection system of defect trays,
  • Separation of the thermoformed trays (good / wrong) with extraction.
  • Images treatment piece by piece (60 pieces / tray)


  • Orientation,
  • Positionin each cell,
  • Correct assembly,
  • Breakage on rod and brush.
Traitement thermo complet
Frette Elie Saab sur posage - Contrôle qualité décor
Interface contrôle frette Elie Saab - Contrôle qualité des décors

Elie Saab fret decor control

Custom circular lighting.


  • Lack and blackspots control on marking.
Contrôle de coiffe MARTELL
Interface contrôle de coiffe MARTELL

Seals assembling control

  • 2 cameras system,
  • Custom lighting.


  • Assembly control: Elements orientation, sinking.
Contrôle compte-gouttes

Dropper control

6 cameras system, custom lighting


  • Collar and body control (breakage, shape),
  • Orientation rod / body,
  • Scrap inside the body.
Détection de copeaux de matères sur pipette

Pipette control

2 cameras system, custom lighting


  • Detection of material chips on pipette.
Contrôle par vision sur bouchons de rouge à lèvres - Contrôle aspect
Contrôle dimensionnel et aspect sur bouchon

Lipstick cap dimensional and aspect control

Custom lighting.


  • Detection and analyse of external countour,
  • Detection of defects on central disk,
  • Detection of black stain on injection site,
  • Aspect (melt fracture, die lines, blackspots)
Traitement fond de boitier - Contrôle logo et aspect
Interface fond de boitier - Contrôle logo et aspect

Cases aspect control (bottom and cover)

Custom lighting.


  • Decor control on case’s top and bottom (marking, logo),

  • Aspect control,

  • Defect at the injection site.

Flacon VICHY

VICHY vial collar control

Rate: 8000 vials / hour.

Custom lighting.


  • Lack of injection on the vial collar top.